Friday, August 9, 2013

AL Blog Assignment (wk 7)

1. Share some thoughts on what you got out of hearing the guest speakers and your fellow student final presentations.

 Guest speaker had interesting personal stories, and in a way they were influential. I appreciate the fact that they shared their personal stories in detail, as it really provided applicable knowledge to help guide us through change management.

Student presentations were very interesting because I got to see how other people dealt with some of the challenges and big assumptions that occurred throughout the process.

2. What are five of the most impactful insights, experiences, ideas or discoveries that you have had while doing this course?

 The power of the change agent: ability to facilitate strategic transformation within an organization.

Change leadership and professional skills, competencies and knowledge sets necessary.

Social Change Dynamics: removing risks and uncertainties in order to make the change happen.

Active Listening – providing feedback, and paraphrasing what we have heard. This type of undivided attention, really creates a sense of relatedness, and shows the person that we are focused and engaged.

Peer to peer social interaction, as the best way to engage, motivate, support and educate people to change their behavior.

3. If you had to teach a course that was designed to inspire and prepare change agents for sustainability what might you include in your course? (What content? What activities? What readings and resources? (feel free to replicate and also to innovate!)

 I would definitely recommend assigning the book by Marshal Rosenberg, Living Nonviolent Communication. Nonviolent Communication can be described as language of compassion, a guide to virtuous communication, and a guide to transformation of relationships, behavior and positive social impact.

Rosenberg has an interesting method of presenting these behavioral changes through spiritual approach, through releasing bad thoughts, giving up of ourselves, practicing empathy, appreciation and calmness. Nonviolent Communication is a method that advises us to find the meaning behind every reaction or emotion, and finding and understanding the needs of each individual involved, therefore concluding mutually agreed upon peaceful decisions.

 4. What is one thing that you could suggest to the course design team for improvement next time around?

 I have no critiques. Class was well organized and managed.

5. What is next on your journey to advance your own change agency capabilities?

 Some of the course content we learned in class was very valuable and I will imply it in my work and personal life going forward. I enjoyed the lessons on change management and also the book review with my POD team. It was very interesting how all of the book assignments were very interconnected with the lecture content, having a kind of philosophical view on business and organizational management practices.

 6. Anything else you wish to share as you conclude S117??

 I really enjoyed the class, assigned readings and participating in the POD meetings. The content covered in this class actually changed and influenced my approach and understanding for management of sustainability.

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